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Richard Watjen, who has been considered to have sublime position once said, "No fault in rider position was ever corrected by suppleness. Suppleness is the result of riding in the correct position for years."
Here we see Rose and her Hanoverian Sparrow practicing one-tempis flying changes. When you start training and practicing flying changes, your horse probably knows shoulder in, haunches in, all the lateral work. It knows to move over from the leg aids. If you continue to use strong lower legs you will almost certainly get crooked changes. You must teach the changes off of your hips and seat. The horse follows the rider's hips like a child skipping in a straight line. One of the reasons straight changes are so important is that they can be proof of the horse and rider's connection through the back and seat, and not a trick off the cue of heel and spur.
Due to recent changes in travel, Paul and Rose will be offering video lessons for riders unable to train with them in person.
Judging from my mailbox, dressage riders seemed perplexed about how competition judges are currently evaluating some horses’ piaffes at the international level. What is high quality and what is faulty? In this article, I will address two major faults in piaffes of popular riders that have appeared in recent performances, and seem to be confusing viewers.

2016 Andalusian gelding, a very fancy horse in a smaller package. Athletic 15.2 with some room to grow and a loveable personality that aims to please.

Just released in 2018! At the core of this book is a series of 'state of the art' experiments in which the author participated, designed to establish whether certain classical ideas about true collection could be scientifically proved.