18 Sep Xenophon Press Reprints “Dressage Sabbatical,” Rose’s Story of A Year of Riding With Paul
Rose Caslar Belasik’s unique book about her first year riding with Paul Belasik is a special opportunity for those interested in classical dressage and Paul’s system to dive headfirst into a detailed firsthand account. 5 star reviews from dressage clinicians and competitors, as well as those who don’t even ride, has made Dressage Sabbatical a must-read for anyone curious about rigors and joys of classical riding.`
Link to Publication & Full Review
“Ms. Rose Caslar’s Dressage Sabbatical nostalgically brought me back to a time of going through my own apprenticeship and hard-fought struggles to decipher what the intangible essence of dressage could be. She brings the reader into her learning process over her year-long apprenticeship and endeavors to pass along her own relationship with finding beauty in the art and the methodology of dressage. Many dressage books today serve the purpose of self-promotion and egoism, but this book is the opposite. It takes the reader along a path of self-realization and humility as we are treated to Ms. Caslar’s outstanding wit, timing, and modesty in a way that leaves us relating to and empathizing our own trials along the educational pathway. Mr. Belasik has a student of substance in both riding and writing, and Ms. Caslar’s master story telling is a treat. Dressage Sabbatical will remind the most practiced dressage rider that the life-long search for knowledge is, in the end, the intended aim of dressage, and points out to the beginning student that the struggles they face are globally shared by a community of other enthusiasts.”
– Jeremy Steinberg, International Clinician, Competitor, and Trainer