04 Oct Recap and Video Clips of Longeing and Work in-Hand Lecture/Demo

To recap our last lecture/demo of the season, we have a special treat of some brief video clips! Paul gave a lecture on the history of longeing, followed by an explanation of our equipment with a live horse model and discussion of other methods and equipment. Rose and her 8 year old Andalusian/Hanoverian mare demonstrated some longeing techniques and problem solving tips. Next, Ryan brought out his Dutch Warmblood mare who has recently begun piaffe work in hand. His mare is showing great talent for sitting in collection but is still developing correct rhythm. Lastly, to show how an advanced horse puts the collection together with correct diagonal rhythm, Rose’s Grand Prix Hanoverian did piaffe and passage in hand. The afternoon was well attended and the audience had many good questions. Check the clinics page for next year’s lecture/demo dates, and to learn more about lessons, clinics, and short courses.
Thank you to Jessica Gadbois for photo and video!