New Video: Longeing the Young Horse
Early training of classical longeing with Rose's new prospect, a 3 year old gelding by Sir Gregory called "Zane."
Early training of classical longeing with Rose's new prospect, a 3 year old gelding by Sir Gregory called "Zane."
I have noticed a nagging weakness that shows up in a lot of riders. They have an aversion to studying theory.
Our second lecture demonstration of the year, Developing a Successful Practice, was a comprehensive overview of principles for both the rider and the horse.
281 Lost Hollow Road Dillsburg, PA
The Pennsylvania Riding Academy is pleased to announce a new lecture and demonstration series for 2019. Paul Belasik will conduct six sessions, once per month April through September.He spent a lifetime studying and traveled the world in search of "true" dressage. This is what he found.
This is the second part of a two part blog. The first was about music in the daily existence of a dressage stable.
“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
– Children’s rhyme.