I have noticed a nagging weakness that shows up in a lot of riders. They have an aversion to studying theory.
In every dressage competition test, at every level, in every country, the horse and rider will start and finish the test with a halt. The beginning of the test may read, “A: Enter working trot. X: Halt, Salute. Proceed collected trot.”
The weather could not have been better. There was bright sun, a light breeze, and 72 degrees for our first lecture demo of the year.
This is the second part of a two part blog. The first was about music in the daily existence of a dressage stable.
This is a two part blog. The first is about music in the daily existence of a dressage stable. The second will be about musical freestyles.
“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
– Children’s rhyme.